
The default parser plugin for gengo.js.

Build Status

This module will be used for gengo.js.


See documentation


An example usage with options is:

var gengo = require('gengojs');
var parser = require('gengojs-default-parser');

/* In whatever framework you are using: */

// I'll use express for an example
// but it shouldn't matter

var app = require('express')();
   // Specify the type
   // of option to modify
        /* options */

The default parser is already included in gengojs so you should not have to require it.


  // Specify the type of parser to use:
  // default, format, * (all)
  'type': 'default',
  // Markdown options
  'markdown': {
    // Enable markdown
    'enabled': false,
    // From options 'html' to 'quotes'
    // see
    'html': false,
    'xhtmlOut': false,
    'breaks': false,
    'langPrefix': 'language-',
    'linkify': false,
    'typographer': false,
    'quotes': '“”‘’'
  // Interpolation options
  'template': {
    // Enable Interpolate
    'enabled': true,
    // Openings
    'open': '{{',
    // Closings
    'close': '}}'
  // Sprintf options
  'sprintf': {
    // Enable Sprintf
    'enabled': true
  // Dictionary options
  'keywords': {
        // Default key used in dictionary
        // when your page is loaded in the
        // default language.
    'default': 'default',
    // Translated key used in dictionary
    // when your page is loaded in a
    // language other than your default.
    'translated': 'translated',
    // Global key used in dictionary
    // across views.
    'global': 'global'

Internal API

Not Applicable


  • getLocale(locale:String) from Header
    • Should return a string of the current locale.
  • setLocale(locale:String) from Header
    • Should set the locale.
  • toDot() from Router
    • Should return the URL path as an dotted string.
  • toArray() from Router
    • Should return the URL path as an array.
  • isEnabled() from Router
    • Should return true if router is enabled.

Selecting a Parser

There are two types of parsers in gengojs-default-parser. The former is the default parser which manages Sprintf and Interpolation, and the latter is format which manages MessageFormat.

By default, the former is your primary parser and can be changed in the options. You may also specify the type to use when you use the API. To do so, see the following example:

// Using default parser:
__('Hello', {parser:'default'});
// Using format parser:
__('You have {n, plural, =0 {no photos.}=1 {one photo.}other {# photos.}}', {parser:'format'});





SET DEBUG=gengo.parser

See gengojs-debug for usage.