Class API
class API {
constructor(core) {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: constructor`);
this.options = core.options;
this.context = core;
Sets the API
set() {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: set`);
var core = this.context;
The i18n function
var i18n = function() {};
The l10n function
var l10n = function() {};
// Set the options
var options = this.options.api;
_.assign((options.header = {}), this.options.header);
debug('api', 'info', 'options exists:', !(!options));
Option name | Type | Description |
arg | The arguments to internationalize. |
return | String | Then i18ned string. |
i18ns the arguments. Note: You can change ID for i18n. See Options.
i18n[options.global] = function(...args) {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: i18n`);
return core.parse.apply(core, args);
The following applies only for gengojs-default-parser
Phrase notation with default parser.
// Assuming the locale === 'ja',
// a basic phrase returns 'こんにちは'
// a basic phrase with sprintf returns 'Bob こんにちは'
__('Hello %s', 'Bob');
// a basic phrase with interpolation returns 'Bob こんにちは'
__('Hello {{name}}', {name:'Bob'});
Bracket notation with default parser.
// Assuming the locale === 'ja',
// a basic bracket phrase returns 'おっす'
// a basic bracket phrase with sprintf returns 'Bob おっす'
__('[Hello %].informal', 'Bob');
// a basic bracket phrase with interpolation returns 'Bob おっす'
__('[Hello {{name}}].informal', {name:'Bob'});
Dot notation with default parser.
// Assuming the locale === 'ja',
// a basic dot phrase returns 'おっす'
// a basic dot phrase with sprintf returns 'Bob おっす'
__('greeting.hello.person.informal', 'Bob');
//a basic dot phrase with interpolation returns 'Bob おっす'
__('greeting.hello.person.informal', {name:'Bob'});
All notations with Message Format.
See message-format for documentation.
// Assuming the locale === 'en-us',
// a basic phrase with message formatting
// returns "You took 4,000 pictures since Jan 1, 2015 9:33:04 AM"
__('You took {n,number} pictures since
{d,date} {d,time}', { n:4000, d:new Date() });
// a basic bracket phrase with message formatting
// returns "You took 4,000 pictures since Jan 1, 2015 9:33:04 AM"
__('[You took {n, numbers} pictures].since.date',
{ n:4000, d:new Date() });
// a basic dot phrase with message formatting
// returns "You took 4,000 pictures since Jan 1, 2015 9:33:04 AM"
__('pictures.since.date', { n:4000, d:new Date() });
Option name | Type | Description |
id | string | The locale to change. |
return | String | Then i18ned string. |
Returns the name of the current locale.
i18n.language = function(id) {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: i18n.languge`);
// de-normalize locale
var locale = core.header.getLocale();
locale = locale.toLowerCase().replace('-', '_');
// denormalize id
id = id ? id.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') : locale;
// store the languages
return cldr.extractLanguageDisplayNames(locale)[id];
Get the current language.
// assuming locale === 'en-us'
// returns 'American English'
Get the current language in another locale.
// assuming locale === 'en-us'
// returns 'English'
// returns 'Japanese'
Option name | Type | Description |
arg | String, Array | The locale to change or the supported locales. |
supported | Array | The supported locales. |
return | String | Then i18ned string. |
Returns the names of the supported locale.
i18n.languages = (arg, supported) => {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: i18n.languges`);
var _supported = [];
supported = (_.isArray(arg) ? arg : supported) ||
arg = _.isArray(arg) ? undefined : arg;
supported.forEach(locale => {
arg = arg ? arg.toLowerCase() :
arg = arg.replace('_', '-');
// de-normalize locales
locale = locale.toLowerCase().replace('-', '_');
// store the languages
}, core);
return _supported;
Get the supported languages.
// Assuming locale === 'en-us'
// returns ['American English', 'Japanese']
Get the current languages in another locale.
// Assuming locale === 'en-us'
// returns ['アメリカ英語', '日本語']
Override the supported locales.
// Assuming locale === 'en-us'
// returns ['English', 'Japanese']
__.languages(['en', 'ja']);
Override the supported locales and get the languages in another locale.
// Assuming locale === 'en-us'
// returns ['英語', '日本語']
__.languages('ja', ['en', 'ja']);
Option name | Type | Description |
locale | String | The locale to set or get. |
return | String | The locale. |
Sets or gets the locale.
i18n.locale = (locale) => {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: i18n.locale`);
return locale ?
core.header.setLocale(locale) :
core.header.detectLocale ?
core.header.detectLocale() :
Get the cldr.
i18n.cldr = () => {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: i18n.cldr`);
return cldr;
Option name | Type | Description |
locale | String | The locale to find |
return | Object | The catalog |
Returns the catalog
i18n.catalog = (locale) => {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: i18n.catalog`);
return core.backend.catalog(locale);
Option name | Type | Description |
locale | String | The locale to override. |
return | Tokei | The instance of Tokei. |
l10n[options.localize] = function(...args) {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: i10n`);
return core.localize.apply(core, args);
Get the current locale.
// Assuming locale === 'en-us'
// returns 'en-us'
Set the locale.
// Asumming locale === 'en-us'
// sets and returns 'ja'
return {
i18n: i18n,
l10n: l10n
Returns the API
get() {
log.debug(`class: ${API.name}`, `process: get`);
return this.apply({});