new Extractify()
This class extracts the input and seperates the arguments
into phrase, args, and values.
class Extractify {
constructor(phrase, array) {
// Debug the current process
log.debug(`class: ${Extractify.name}`, `process: constructor`);
// Store the extracted values
var values = {},
// Stores the extracted arguments
args = [],
// Temp
// Stores the length of the array
length = array ? array.length : 0;
// Debug the inputs
log.debug('phrase:', phrase)
.debug('array', array)
.debug('length:', length);
// If the arguments are greater than 2 (because of offset)
if (length > 1) {
// Just append them to the array
array.forEach(item => args.push(item));
// If they are exactly 2 arguments
else if (length === 1) {
// Get the first value
value = array[0];
// Set arguments [...]
if (_.isArray(value)) args = value;
else if (_.isPlainObject(value)) args = [];
else args.push(value);
// Set values {...}
values = _.isPlainObject(value) ? value : {};
// If called like __({phrase:'hello', locale:'en'})
if (_.isPlainObject(phrase) && !_.isEmpty(values)) {
if (_.has(phrase, 'locale')) values.locale = phrase.locale;
if (_.has(phrase, 'phrase')) phrase = phrase.phrase;
// Store the extracted arguments
this.extracts = {
phrase, values, args
export default Extractify;